2020년 12월 5일 해가 넘어가는 오후녁, 숨겨진 보물의 동네 Stillwater Pub 에서 동네 사람들과 칩스에 시원한 맥주 한 잔을 ....
2020년 12월 5일 해가 넘어가는 오후녁, 숨겨진 보물의 동네 Stillwater Pub 에서 동네 사람들과 칩스에 시원한 맥주 한 잔을 ....
뉴질랜드에서 참 그리도 오래 살았건만 우리집에서 차로 30여분 거리(만약 육교가 있다면 10분 정도 거리)에 보트 선착장이 갖추어진 해상의 강줄기에 아직까지 우리가 가보지 못했던 이런 곳이 있었는지를 오늘 처음 알았다.
인심 좋은 동네 사람들과 해안가에 위치한 Pub 에서 맥주잔 같이 기울이고 있노라니 오클랜드가 아닌 별천지에 와서 신선들과 함께 오찬하는 기분 같았다.
동네 Pub 은 우리가 도착하기 전 오후 4시에 문을 열었는데 9시에 닫는다고 되어 있는데, 대형 Jug 맥주가 시내의 1/2 가격....
Stillwater is a village in the northern end of Auckland in the North Island of New Zealand. Situated on the Weiti River immediately south of the Whangaparaoa Peninsula in the Rodney District, it is part of the area known as the Hibiscus Coast.
In the early 19th century Silverdale was established as a port for transporting kauri logs to Auckland. Stillwater was also used as a secondary landing to transport logs, kauri gum and later fruit produce from orchards established on cleared land at Stillwater, Silverdale and Dairy Flat.
As there was no roading sea was the only form of transport available. The last shipment of kauri gum to leave Stillwater was in 1890. The pack horse tracks from Dairy Flat are still clearly visible on the Weiti Station property.
The first settler in Stillwater in 1852 was Andrew Weatherspoon Thorburn and his family. Part of his original holding is now a reserve and memorial park bequeathed on their farm. Several houses were built on the river's edge in the early days as more land was cleared and made available for farming.
Some live stock was introduced, but fruit from orchards seemed to be the major produce transported to Auckland from Stillwater.
Other early settlers included the Dacres, Percy, Blackshaw and McPike brothers families.
In 1950 the McPike brothers subdivided their farm to form what has become the Stillwater settlement known today. After the Second World War the motor camp was developed and a road from East Coast Road constructed. Prior to this there existed only a farm track to Stillwater with a ford crossing at Doctor's Creek.
The original bridge built was gradually improved over the years to the two lane concrete bridge today. In 1980 the Council began tar-sealing the road. In 1985 Stillwater was connected to the Whangaparaoa sewerage system and more substantial houses were built in the area.
By the year 2000, most of the power and telephone cables were put underground and footpaths formed the length of Stillwater Crescent. Houses were built on almost all the original sections developed and Stillwater could no longer be called a holiday resort; it had become a well established marine suburb.
In time Coastal Heights was developed followed by the adjoining Inlet Views property and new coastal development is taking place over the river opposite the Stillwater Boat Club. Buildings continue to appear as land is cleared.