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마운틴 리치몬드 도메인(Mt Richmond Domain).

Digital 북섬 탐방기/산야 및 보호지역

by Digitalnz 2013. 3. 5. 00:01


마운틴 리치몬드 도메인(Mt Richmond Domain).

가게를 보다가 잠시 시간을 내서 산책 길에 나선 샵 옆 공원 마운틴 리치몬드 도메인. 산업지역이라 볼(전망) 것은 그리 없지만 옛 정취들이 정열적으로 느껴지는 곳임을 느낄 수 있었다. 


Mt Richmond Domain and Bert Henham Park are in the Mt Wellington ward of the City of Tamaki. They are bounded to the North by Hellaby. Short lands paddocks and the south by Portage Road.


To the East and West they border Mt Wellington Highway and great South Road respectively. Vehicular and pedestrian access can be gained from a road adjacent to 667 Mt Wellington Highway or opposite the ACC Abbattoir in Great South Road. There are two formed existing parking areas on Mt Richmond domain.


Description : Mt Richmond Reserve accommodates approximately 500 medium to large trees, of an average age of 80 years – approximately 75 different species, both native and exotic. Mt Richmond has playing fields and pleasant walks up a formed roadway to the summit reservoir.



마운틴 리치몬드 도메인 도보로 정상.

(Mt Richmond Domain).


반대편 자락 오네항가.

(Opposite the ACC Abbattoir in Great South Road).


그 옛날 저수지 탱크.


오타후후(Otahuhu) 산업지역.


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