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2013년 10월 18일 실로 4년만에 정규 Pukokohe GC 멤버쉽으로 운동시작.

골프는 나의 도전/Digital 골프첩

by Digitalnz 2013. 10. 18. 17:35


2013년 10월 18일 실로 4년만에 정규 Pukekohe GC 멤버쉽으로 운동시작.


실로 6년만에 따스한 봄날 정규 푸케코헤 18홀 골프장 클럽 맴버 등록 후 집사람과 함께 운동 시작.

오랜만에 라운딩 해보았는데 전반부에 헤메다가 후반부에 겨우 페이스 찾아서 3개홀에서 보기 플레이도 해 봄 - 오랜만 옛 생각을 토대로 경험한 첫 라운딩. 앞으로 일주일에 2번 정도 할 생각인데 시간을 너무 많이 뺐겨서...


The Pukekohe Golf Club is managed by the members through a Board of Management who look after governance and a Golf Committee who manage the golf programme, rules and all other issues associated with the playing of golf.

The General Manager controls all day-to-day running of the golf club, with permanent and casual staff in the office and lounge. Catering and the ProShop are run under contract, but report to the General Manager. The golf course is maintained by the Course Superintendent who has four full time green keepers and two labourers.

Board of Management
Overall management of the golf club is the responsibility of the Board, which is made up of the President and four Board members, with the General Manager as an invited guest of the Board.

The Board is responsible for setting the club budgets, advising on the level of fees, authorizing major payments and investing spare funds from time to time. The Board also sets the plan for the future of the golf club, to grow it and help ensure it becomes an integral part of the community.


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