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2019년 6월 3일 실록 만 8년만에 초겨울녁 잠시 다시 들러 본 마후랑이 리지널 파크(Mahurangi regional park).

Digital 북섬 탐방기/오클 지역 공원

by Digitalnz 2019. 6. 2. 23:52




















2019년 6월 3일 실록 만 8년만에 초겨울녁 잠시 다시 들러 본 마후랑이 리지널 파크(Mahurangi regional park).

퀸스타운에서 오클랜드로 다시 이사한 후 다시 잠시 들러 본 마후랑이 리지널 파크(Mahurangi regional park).

이젠 집에서 30여분 거리에 위치해 있지만 기록을 보니 2011년 3월경 트램핑 동호회 회원들과 전체 트랙을 함께 한 추억들...


생각해보니 만 8년이 지나가고 이 바닷가 다시 찾아와 보니 역시, 아름다운 산천 초목의 자연은 변한게 없었고 쌀쌀한 날씨속에 바닷가 바윗돌에 나 붙어 있는 싱싱한 굴(Oyster)들이 역시 우리를 반기어 주었다.


Mahurangi Regional park.

Mahurangi Regional park protects three peninsulas at the mouth of the historic and picturesque Mahurangi Harbour. Mahurangi spans across the Puhoi River, north of Wenderholm, and along Te Muri Beach to Sullivans Bay and Mita Bay.


To Access the Mahurangi Regional Park West: Drive north on State Highway 1. About 6km past Wenderholm Regional Park, turn right into Mahurangi West Road then right into Ngarewa Drive and follow to the end of the road


To Access the Mahurangi Regional Park - East: Take State Highway 1 to Warkworth and follow the signs to Snells Beach. Approximately 1km past Snells Beach, turn right into Ridge Road and follow to the end of the road.


Walking tracks in the Mahurangi Regional Park:

Cudlip Point Loop Track - 2 hour (3 km). This often windswept track leads up to the open pastures of Cudlip Point then down to the foreshore and back.


Mita Bay Loop Track - 2 hour (2 km). Start at Sullivan's Bay and take the steep track up to Tunguta Point, then onto Mita Bay. Return along the road to Sullivan's Bay.

Te Muri Loop - 3 hour (3 km). Te Muri Loop track takes you down to Te Muri Beach. The track is only accessible at low tide.

Camping at the Mahurangi Regional Park - WEST

Camping - Back country (by foot or boat)

Mahurangi Regional Park West offers 3 back country camping experiences for those who want to get away from the crowds. 


Te Muri Beach Campground & Mita Bay Campground are only accessible by walking in or by boat. Each campsite offers great swimming, walking tracks and perfect for water sports in general.

Lagoon Bay Campground is only accessible via boat.


Camping - Vehicle access
Sullivan's Bay Campground is an easily accessible, vehicle based campground. It is a great location for swimming, picnics, water sports, walking and exploring. This campground is very popular and bookings are recommended.



Māori lived here in large communities. The park was the ancestral domain of Ngäti Rongo and there are four fortified pa sites at Opahi, Cudlip and Te Muri Points and above Sullivan’s Bay.


A sea captain, John Sullivan, married Merehai Kaipuke and settled at Otarawao (Sullivan’s Bay) in the 1870s. Their descendents farmed the land for nearly a century and farming continues on the park today.


More than 100 Māori and European settlers are buried in the Te Muri urupā (cemetery) on the park. The urupā was established in the 1860s alongside two sacred (tapu) pōhutukawa trees.


Scott Homestead, at Scott Point, is a reminder of the Mahurangi Harbour’s busy past as a hub of timber milling, ship building, firewood cutting and trade. Thomas Scott Jr built the Georgian style house in 1877 on


 the site where his father,a shipbuilder, ran an inn until it was destroyed by fire. Volunteers have lovingly restored the house and its surrounds.

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