1986년 북한관련 영화 "The Rescue(구출)" 세트장 30년째 방치. 15-10-2015.
1986년도에 이 곳 퀸스타운 아름다운 호수 반도에 자리잡고 있는 디어 파크{또는 페니슐라 파크(834m)} 정상에
북한관련 영화 "THE RESCU(구출)" 의 북한 교도소 건물 세트장이 만들어진 후 30년째 방치된 채 이 곳 일간지 뉴질랜드 헤랄드지 폭로기사...
우리집에서 10여분 거리에 있어서 몇 번 정상에 올라 가보려고 시도는 해 보았는데 켈빈 하이츠 방향에서 차로 오르는 도로가 아래 기사내용과 같이 5년전 부터 통제가 되고 있어서
지금까지 오르지는 못했음.
그런데 세트장 건설비용이 자금만치 당시 돈으로 1백만불 정도의 비용을 들어 갔으며, 1988년 우리네 고국 미군기지에서 처음 오픈 상영하였다고 한다.
(The film opened on a U.S. military base in South Korea).
Disney's Kiwi film set abandoned 30 years on in Deer Park Heights(834m or Peninsula Hill).
Release dates
United States : 5 August 1988
Finland : 12 May 1989
Running time : 97 min
Country United States Language : English.
A 1980s Hollywood film set, abandoned for years on a windswept Queenstown hilltop,
has been captured in a series of striking photographs
by a group of notorious urban explorers.
Walt Disney Studios filmed the teenage adventure blockbuster
'The Rescue' on various locations around New Zealand in the mid-80s.
영화 포스터(Film Poster)
The story tells of five kids who infiltrate
a North Korean prison to rescue
their captive Navy Seal fathers.
For the key backdrop, movie makers spent
a reported $1 million constructing
a replica North Korean jail.
An abandoned movie set near
Queenstown used for
the 1988 Disney Movie The Rescue.
Still from the 1988 movie
The Rescue set in a North Korean prison
shot near Queenstown. An abandoned movie set near Queenstown used for the 1988 Disney Movie The Rescue.
Now, almost 30 years
after the film's release, to mixed reviews,
the set remains abandoned.
Derelict, graffiti-tagged, and surrounded
by high barbed-wire fences,
the makeshift prison has not been seen
by the general public for years,
with the road to Deer Park Heights,
near Queenstown, shut off.
The photographs were taken by radical
urban explorers,
Urbex Central and posted to their website. They explained that the mission
in tracking down the "almost mythological" movie set was not without its difficulties.
"Since access to the mountain had been
closed for the last five years,
I had to go in the hard way,
straight up the sheer face of the mountain,"
the explorers wrote.
"A few cuts and bruises later navigating
dense bush, deer and goat
I finally reached the top.
"What greeted me felt so out of place,
an old North Korean prison surrounding
by beautiful Queenstown scenery,
Deer Park Heights has also been used for
other major Hollywood film locations, including Lord of the Rings and X-Men Origins : Wolverine.
The secretive, artistic group Urbex Central says: "When we see a sign that says 'Danger: Do Not Enter',
we understand that this is simply a shorthand way of saying
'Leaving Protected Zone: Demonstrate Personal Accountability Beyond This Point'."
It gained notoriety for sneaking in to well-known earthquake-damaged Christchurch buildings, including Christ Church Cathedral,
and documenting what they saw. They have snuck into abandoned prisons and navy bases, churches, schools, hospitals,
and power stations across New Zealand(Source : nzherald).
호수 건너 눈이 쌓이지 않는 곳이
디어 파크 또는 페니슐라 힐(834m, Deer Park or Peninsula Hill)
바로 정상 능선 너머쪽에 세트장은 위치해 있음.
힐 정상(834m) 풍경.
물론 본 디어 파크는 풍경이 아름다워서
다른 할리우드의 유명한 영화 "반지의 제왕". X-맨, 울버린 등의 촬영장소로 사용되기도 한 장소.
Deer Park Heights has also been used for
other major Hollywood film locations,
including Lord of the Rings and X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
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