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커뮤니티 이민자(Migrant) 이민생활 공모 수기 응모(응모자 이 동석, 2013년 4월 21일).

활력의 여가생활/Digital 칼럼철

by Digitalnz 2013. 4. 20. 02:18


커뮤니티 이민자(Migrant) 이민생활 공모 수기 응모(응모자 이 동석, 2013년 4월 21일).


4월말까지 거의 2달여 동안 매일 반복되는 일상 생활이 일시적으로 되다 보니 조금은 지쳐가는 느낌마져 든다. 더욱이 요즈음 거의 1주일새 계속해서 오락가락 하며 한 없이 비가 내리고 있어서 더욱 우리의 뉴질랜드 삶을 되돌아 보게 한다. 하지만 그 동안 반복되는 일과였지만 나는 숨통 탈출구로서 틈틈이 지역 커뮤니티 교실만은 일주일에 2번씩 꼭 참석해서 시간을 가졌었는 데 이번에 이민자 공모 수기가 있어서 오랜만에 영문으로 십 여년의 나의 뉴질랜드 생활을 간단 명료하게 정리해 보았다.


오픈되는 문서라 대충 쓸 수도 없어서 신경 썼는 데, 정말 수 년 전 영주권 때문에 머리 짜메며 영어 공부했던 그 시절이 새삼 떠 올랐다. 그리고 우리 고국에서도 지금 나와 같이 이민자로서 살고 있는 수 많은 다민족 이민자들도 아마 내가 경험했던 낯선 땅에서 언어장벽, 문화차이, 인종간 갈등 등 이국에서의 똑같은 고난을 이겨내며 살고 있으리라 생각도 해 본다.


The story of my migration to NZ

- Written by Lee Dong Suk(Migrant from Korea. Age 55), 17 April 2013.


We came to NZ to educate my two daughters in the early 2000s. At that time, my wife had been in Takanini while I continued to run my business in Korea.



When my family arrived to Takanini. it was a small town and full of kind people. It was also a really for attractive investment in which to own a business. It was better than any other town in NZ. Actually Takanini was a land of opportunity in which everybody could make a lot of money in the early 2000s.


This was the reason that I made a decision to migrate together here. Another reason was that I couldn't live by myself in my big country home without my family. It was too lonely for me.


Especially, when I first came here. we would never have experienced words of discrimination and ignorance even though we had a different skin and language from the majority of the community.


In the past years in NZ for me. I have been very happy, I have been satisfied with my family because my two daughters have grown up and have studied very well. My oldest daughter, 28, has got a masters from the university of AK and my younger daughter, 25, graduated in Law and Accounts with scholarships at the same university. Now two grown daughters works Korea and Singapore with high wage. We have a phone nearly everyday as well. So nowadays we are proud of my daughters.


On the other hand, now I am feeling that NZ society is changing. There is more crime and the cost living is increasing. There is also more corruption among government officials. It is very sad.


In my opinion, The gab between poor and rich is too big in NZ in comparison with other countries in the world. As a result there are too much thief. This is really serious problem here. Actually we were burglarized several times in the past year. Also Income Tax and GST(15%) is too heavy. I have paid over $14,000 to the government this month. and next month have to pay more...


But, I like the peacefulness of NZ. it has such a beautiful natural heritage. And sometimes I enjoy tramping with my wife, traveling around the world, playing the accordion as my wife plays saxophone. Now I have over 20,000 beautiful photos in my BLOG web site which I took pictures myself around NZ.


Finally, I want to say to every migrant. "Let's enjoy the natural of  NZ and live hard with strong health !".


응모자 : 이 동석(오클랜드 남부 파파쿠라 거주).

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