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2020년 4월 27일 뉴질랜드 록다운 해제 마지막날 새 확진자 +5명(총 누적 감염자 1,475명) 90세 사망 1명(총 19명 사망).

Digital News Room/국내외 Hot 뉴스

by Digitalnz 2020. 4. 27. 10:47







2020년 4월 27일 뉴질랜드 록다운 해제 마지막날 새 확진자 +5명(확진 1명에 의심자 4명, 총 누적 감염자 1,475명) 90세 사망 1명(총 19명 사망).

어제 하루 38명 회복(누적회복 1,180명), 어제까지 감염자 1,469명중 80% 회복 - 안정기에 접어든 느낌이다.


오늘 저녁 12시부로 록 다운 해제이고 그 후 5월 11일까지 레벨3(대면 접촉 비즈니스 불가) 유지 후 추가 조치한다고 하는데 불안한 느낌도 든다. 오늘 슈퍼에 잠깐 들렀는데, 2미터 거리 두기는 하는데 마스크를 착용한 사람은 거의 없었다.


Note - 27 April: There are five new cases today, one confirmed and four probable cases. Six cases that were probable yesterday have been reclassified as under investigation or not a case following discussion with MOH. This results in a net decrease in total cases by one.


About the data:

Source: This is provisional information taken daily at 9am from a live database, EpiSurv (ESR) and is likely to change as more details are provided about individual cases.


Confirmed cases are people that have had a positive laboratory test. For more details please refer to Case definition of COVID-19 infection.

A probable case is one without a positive laboratory result, but which is treated like a confirmed case based on its exposure history and clinical symptoms.


Recovered cases are people who had the virus, are at least 10 days since onset and have not exhibited symptoms for 48 hours, and have been cleared by the health professional responsible for their monitoring.

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