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2018년 9월 17일 취미로 길이가 무려 40미터가 넘는 에어 뉴질랜드 승객용 비행기 동체를 구입해서 자기집 뒤뜰에 크레인으로 옮겨 진열.




2018년 9월 17일 취미로 길이가 무려 40미터가 넘는 에어 뉴질랜드 승객용 비행기 동체를 구입해서 자기집 뒤뜰에 크레인으로 옮겨 진열.


Plane mad South Aucklander cranes old Air NZ passenger plane into his backyard


A South Aucklander has taken his love for planes to new heights after craning an old Air New Zealand passenger plane into the backyard of his Totara Heights home.


The near 40m-long aircraft, with its blue and green Air New Zealand striped sticker still visible, turned nearly all the neighbours' heads on Friday morning when it was lowered into the backyard of the residential property.


Neighbours said it took about two hours to get the plane into position.

Neighbour Jrania Kao - who moved into her newly built home with her family less than six months ago - had front rows seats.


The plane towered over the back of Kao's property and at a glance appeared to be balancing on top of her fence.

Despite obstructing her view, Kao said it was the neighbour's choice and it didn't bother her.

"They probably didn't want to have to look at our ugly garden which is fair enough."

The plane's owner also has a fire truck which was parked on the street yesterday.

Mike Tippett had no issues with the new addition to the neighourhood.

"Good on him. It's his backyard, he can do what he wants with it," he said.


"It's huge, how he got it down in that driveway I don't know," said John Tippett.

"It's his hobby, like people with vintage cars, what's the difference. As far as I'm concerned it's his business."

Totara Heights resident Jill Bloxom said she saw the plane being craned into the property from her place a few houses down.

"I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I was quite surprised that they were allowed to put it out there."


Auckland Council was not aware of the plane being craned in and said it would visit the site.

The Herald on Sunday approached the owner of the plane but he did not wish to comment.


The plane was a Embraer Bandeirante, Portuguese for Pioneer, and was flown by Eagle Air/Air New Zealand Link from October 1988 until the type was retired by the airline around 2001, New Zealand Aviation News editor John King said.

"I'm not sure where it's been sitting for the past 15-plus years, but its condition indicates it hasn't been outside."

Air New Zealand referred all inquiries about the acquisition of the plane to the owner.


In Waitomo, one man has made vehicles meant for the air, the rail or the sea into hotels.


Woodlyn Park offers visitors a choice of staying in a Bristol freighter plane, The Waitani Ship or the Waitanic Express Train.

In England, Vince Essex bought the cockpit of a jet for around NZ$1500 before turning it into a summer house for his Solihull backyard.


The venture featured on popular UK show George Clarke's Amazing Spaces.

(자료 출처 : NZHERALD)

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