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뉴질랜드 소위 명문 강남 학군지역 한 블록 사이 두고 집값 수 억원 차이 화제.

Digital News Room/국내외 Hot 뉴스

by Digitalnz 2013. 11. 10. 00:22


뉴질랜드 소위 명문 강남 학군지역 한 블록 사이 두고 집값 수 억원 차이 화제.


뉴질랜드 대표적 강남학군 지역 그래머존(Grammar zone) 사이를 두고 부동산 가치의 차이가 무려 $500,000(한화 4억 5천)이나 난다고 토요일판(09 Nov 2013) 뉴질랜드 헤럴드가 전했다(09 - 11- 2013).


기사에 의하면, Mt Eden에 있는 같은 가치의 집인데도 그래머존에 들어가 있는 Mt Eden Rd의 집은 $2.066million(한화 대략 19억)에 팔렸으나 그래머존에서 약간 떨어진 Peary Rd의 집은 230sq m가 더 큰데도 $1.55million(한화 14억)에 팔렸다고 한다.


Barfoot & Thompson 부동산에 의하면 580채의 그래머존에 있는 5배드룸 하우스가 Peary rd있는 집과 비교할 때 $ 710,000(6억 4천)이나 차이가 난 금액에 팔렸다고 한다. 팔린 집들은 Peary rd의 집과 비교할 때 $90,000 높았지만 땅은 더 작았다. 그만큼 더블 그래머존의 인기가 높다는 것이다.


현재, 그래머존에 있는 학교는 엄격한 입학요강을 정해놓고 학생들이 그래머존에 거주하고 있는지의 증거를 요구하고 있다.


Grammar zone pulls $500k premium(Saturday Nov 9, 2013)

What a difference a zone makes. In this case, try $500,000.


Experts say there has always been a difference in price for properties located within the double-grammar zone for Auckland Grammar and Epsom Girls Grammar, but the gap is widening as the city's average house price continues to hit record highs each month.



One Mt Eden home just 750m outside of the area went for $516,000 less than a house just up the road, valued the same but situated 250m within the zone, which cuts off south of Balmoral Rd.


Despite having a section with an extra 230sq m, a slightly bigger house and an extra bathroom, 16a Peary Rd sold for $1.55 million, while 576 Mt Eden Rd sold for $2.066 million.


They were both modern five-bedroom homes and had capital values of just over $1.5 million. The homes are just 1.1 km or four minutes' drive from each other.


The double-grammar boundaries include part of Epsom and Mt Eden in the south, east to Remuera, up to Mechanics Bay and the area south of Auckland Domain.


Barfoot & Thompson real estate agent George Fong said a couple with two young children had purchased the Mt Eden Rd home. They sold their 1960s home in Epsom, which was already within the zone, as they wanted to enjoy more-modern living but stay in the zone.


The house is one of seven homes located behind a security gate in a new development. Neighbouring properties went for similar prices. The five-bedroom house at number 580, which had a slightly smaller section than the Peary Rd house but a valuation $90,000 higher, sold for $2.26 millon in June - a difference of $710,000.


Number 578 sold for $2.05 million in July, and 572 sold for $1.89 million in August. Number 574 is currently for sale; tenders close on Tuesday. "You're only just inside the zone," said Quotable Value valuer Bruce Wiggins.


"It's a lot of money to be paying to live in those sorts of areas." Mr Wiggins said homes in the mid to high price range located within the double-grammar zone had always been popular. "It's just that it's become more pronounced. People place a premium on those houses because that area is so small.


"But it's not just the grammar zone. It's certainly a big drawcard for people, but Mt Eden village itself is a very desirable location these days, being close to the city and bus routes and arterial routes. It's a good part of town."


The schools have strict enrolment criteria and require proof of address from parents when considering taking a student(그래머존에 있는 학교는 엄격한 입학요강을 정해놓고 학생들이 그래머존에 거주하고 있는지의 증거를 요구하고 있다).


Epsom Girls demands a power and telephone account from within the past month, a rates demand or sale-and-purchase agreement, or if renting, a bond receipt showing a fixed-term agreement for at least one year.


Both schools have offered ballots for a limited number of out-of-zone places, with priority for children of former students, although Auckland Grammar this year decided not to hold a ballot for 2014 for Years 10-13 "due to pressure on the school roll".

(자료 출처 : 뉴질랜드 헤랄드).

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