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2022년 6월 24일 뉴질랜드 원주민 마오리족 신년 설날(Matariki) 정식 첫 공휴일 저녁 웰링턴 불꽃놀이 행사.

Digital News Room/국내외 Hot 뉴스

by Digitalnz 2022. 6. 25. 02:43


2022년 6월 24일 뉴질랜드 원주민 마오리족 신년 설날(Matariki) 정식 첫 공휴일 저녁 웰링턴 불꽃놀이 행사.


오늘은 뉴질랜드 원주민인 마오리족 2022년 설날이다. 보통 마오리 신년 축하 행사는 겨울 시즌에 거의 한 달여에 걸쳐서 진행되는데 금년에는 특히, 공휴일(New Public Hliday) 지정과 함께 2022년 6월 22일 - 7월 16일까지 뉴질랜드 전역에 걸쳐서 85개 정도 이벤트가 있다고 한다.



우리도 참여 역사를 보니 솔직히 그 때는 마오리족 설날 행사라는 걸 모르고 참석했는데 2011년 7월 2일 집사람과 함께 Mission Bay 근처 오라케이 공원(Orakei Reserve)의 타카파라와(Takaparawha)에서 열렸던 마누 아우테 연 날리기 대회(Manu Aute Kite Day) 행사이다.


2022년 Kite day 는 공휴일 다음날인 토요일(6월 25일) 10:00am - 4:00pm 역시 참가비는 없으며, Bastion Point, Orakei, Auckland 에서 전 연령을 대상으로 행사가 진행된다고 한다.


Mānawatia a Matariki! Celebrate Matariki!

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei hosts this spectacular one-day event that honours and celebrates the tradition of kite flying.

In the past, manu aute (kites made from the aute plant), manu tukutuku (kites with long tails) and manu taratahi (kites with a single plume) were used to send messages to the heavens and between hapū (tribes). 


Communities are invited to look to the heavens, fly kites and participate in other programmed activities as kites of all shapes and sizes fill the skies once again.


Nau mai, haere mai – everyone is welcome. Visit the Matariki Festival website for the full programme.

Brought to you by Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland Council and Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. Supported by Vector Lights and The Hits.


특히, 고국의 설날과의 차이점은 한국의 설날은 해가 떠오르는 해돋이를 하는 반면, 마오리 설날은 해가 떠오르기 전 새벽 시간에 하늘의 별을 보면서 새해를 맞이하는 것이다.



아무튼 2022년 6월 24일 첫 공휴일 지정과 함께 마오리 민족 설날(Matariki) 문화 축제에 따른 뉴질랜드 정부의 전폭적인 행사 지원(1500만 달러)으로 각종 축하 행사가 당분간 열릴 것 같다.


Mānawatia a Matariki! Celebrate the Māori new year at Matariki Festival.


The star of Auckland’s winter season, Matariki Festival returns with an exciting line-up of more than 85 events region wide from 21 June to 16 July; from captivating kapa haka, to a street party featuring contemporary Māori musicians.




Enjoy kite-flying, delicious kai, lighting shows and cultural events across Auckland – many are free or low-cost.


As we observe our first Matariki public holiday, gather with friends and whānau to celebrate Māori new year and learn more about Matariki – a time to remember loved ones, plan for the future, celebrate the present and honour ancestors.

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