상세 컨텐츠

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2018년 11월 15일 화창한 오후에 한 나절 퀸스타운 힐(907m) 트랙 트램핑.
















2018년 11월 15일 화창한 오후에 한 나절 퀸스타운 힐(907m) 트랙 트램핑.

모 처럼 가파른 힐 오른 후 내려 오는데 아직까지 발목이 회복 안된 상태라 힘들어서 죽을뻔 함.

그러나 시원한 풍경과 경치에...



Queenstown Hill, also known by its Māori name of Te Tapu-nui (mountain of intense sacredness),

is a small 907 metres (2,976 ft) mountain near Queenstown, New Zealand in the South Island.


The 500-meter climb up Queenstown Hill Time Walk to the summit of Te Tapu-nui is well rewarded by the views.

Time: 3hr return


Getting there: This track starts and ends on Belfast Street in Queenstown.

2-3 hours with Queenstown views


As the name indicates, the 1.5km long Queenstown Hill Time Walk is built to show the past,

presence and future of Queenstown and the area around Lake Wakatipu.


While you spend some unforgettable time in Queenstown, you would certainly enjoy to take in the view

from the summit of Te Tapunui. Queenstown Hill Time Walk is a climb through pine forest leading you up to the summit.


Along the track are 6 information plates explaining the different epochs on the Lake Wakatipu.

Illustrations about the Maori settlements, the goldrush, the developpment of Queenstown

to the Adventure Capital of the World.


After a 500 metre climb you are rewarded with a 360° view of some of the main landmarks of the Queenstown area.

You will see The Remarkables, Cecil Peak, parts of Lake Wakatipu and the Kawarau River.

On top of the hill you will also find the big iron worked "Dream Basket", making the link into the future.


If you would like to enjoy a snack before descending, you might enjoy a little picnic on the shore of the small mountain lake.

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