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4. 아름다운 관광의 섬 Waiheke Island(와이훼케 섬).


4. 뉴질랜드의 아름다운 관광의 섬 Waiheke Island(와이훼케 섬).. 

Waiheke Island (pronounced [ˈwaihɛkɛ] in Māori but often /waɪˈhɛkiː/ in English) is an island in the Hauraki Gulf of New Zealand, located about 17.7 km (11.0 mi) from Auckland(오클랜드로부터 17.7킬로 떨어진 뉴질랜드 하우리키 걸프 해협에 있는 섬).   섬은 하우라키 걸프에서 Grest Barrier Island 섬 다음으로 큰 섬이며(The island is the second-largest in the Hauraki Gulf after Great Barrier Island).


섬은 가장 많은 거의 8천명의 거주민이 있으며, 또다른 부수적으로 대략 3천 4백개의 세컨 및 할리데이 주택이 있다고 함(It is the most populated, with nearly 8,000 permanent residents plus another estimated 3,400 who have second or holiday homes on the island). 뉴질랜드에서 가장 인구밀도가 높은 섬이기도 함(It is New Zealand's most densely populated island, with 83.58 people/km2) and the third most populated after the North and South Island. It is the most accessible offshore island in the Gulf, due to regular passenger and car ferry  services and some air links. Waiheke translates as "the descending waters" or "ebbing water".[This refers to an event when Maori explorer Kahumatamomoe landed on the island and urinated. The name originally referred only to the stream at onetangi, but now is used to refer to the entire island. 











Matietie Historic Reserve

(페리 선착장 좌측 공원).
















































































































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