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2021년 8월 10일 새로 구입한 전동 트런들러의 안전한 사용 및 주의할 점.

Digitalnz 2021. 8. 10. 03:51

2021년 8월 10일 새로 구입한 전동 트런들러의 안전한 사용 및 주의할 점.

우리는 그 동안 골프장 출입하면서

왕년에는 괜찮다는 소위 은빛 찬란한 알루미늄 매뉴얼 골프 틀런들러를 수 년간 가지고 다녔다.


그러나 전동 트랜들러 급속한 보급도 있었지만 우리도 연식이 되다보니

골프장 언덕지 오르 내리는 것이 여간 힘든 것이 아니여서 요번에 큰 맘 먹고 우리도 전동 트런들러를 구입했는데

알고보니 본 장비 사용 및 보관에 유의할 점이 많은 것 같다.




당신의 트런들러는 골프 가방과 골프채의 운송을 위해 디자인 되었다.

1.   다른 장비를 운반하지 마라.

2.  언덕을 오를 때 당신 보조를 하기 위하여 트런들러를 사용하지 마라.

3.  트런들러를 물에 담그는 것(예: 호수)은 트런들러에 심각한 손상을 주는 요인이 된다.


4.  골프 코스에 있을 때를 제외하고는 밧데리를 꽂은 상태로 트런들러를 방치하지 마라.

5.  올바른 밧데리 극성(+-)을 먼저 확인하지 않고 다른 밧데리를 전동 트런들러에 연결하지 마라.

6.  모든 밧데리는 운반하기 전에는 전동 트런들러에서 분리해야 한다.


7.  전동 트런들러를 운반하기 이전에 먼저 납산 밧데리를 "밧데리 트레이"에서 먼저 제거해야 한다.

8.  납산 밧데리를 이동 및 운반할 때는 항상 운반 스트랩(보호 가방)을 사용하라(조심해야 함).


전동 트런들러 관리

전동 트런들러는 방수 처리가 되어 있지만(방수가 되지 않음) 다음과 같은 간단한 지침을 따라 트런들러를 보호하라.

 • 전동 트런들러를 외부에 보관하지 마라.

 • 폭우시 우산과 함께 가급적 많은 비에 대한 노출을 최소화 하도록 노력해야 한다.

 • 보관 전에는 전동 트런들러에 물기가 남아 있다면 닦아 낸다.


 • 폭우 속에서 골프를 칠 경우, 밧데리 위쪽 손잡이를 감쌀 수 있게 골프 가방에 고무밴드 및 비닐 봉지를 가지고 

다닐 것을 고려한다.

 • 2개월에 한 번씩 CRC 또는 WD40 을 각기 뒷 바퀴 베어링 및 클러치에 뿌려 준다.





 • 전동 트런들러를 청소하기 위하여 절대 "고압 청소기나 정원 호스"를 사용하지 마라-

 . 전동 트런들러가 물에 손상되지 않도록 "축축한 천"으로 닦아낸다.

 • 움직이는 구성 요소 부근은 "고압 공기 호스"를 사용하지 마십시오.


전동 트런들러는 최소한의 유지보수만 필요하도록 설계되어 있다.

그렇지만 우리는 다음과 같은 사항을 확인하기 위해서 트런들러에 정기 점검을 하는것을 권장한다.

 • 많은 진흙과 먼지가 쌓이지 않게 한다.

 • 앞 바퀴 나사가 단단히 고정되어 있고, 퀵 릴리즈 레버(분해 및 조립 레버)가 아래로 고정이 되어 있어야 한다.

 • 앞바퀴는 막히지 않고 자유롭게 회전하는 것이다.


 • 밧데리 가방과 스트랩(연결 짹)이 손상되지 않고 원상태로 있는 것이다(납산 밧데리만 해당)

 • 신뢰감을 유지하기 위해서, 미래을 위해서 트런들러는 연간 서비스를 받을 것을 권장한다.


리튬 배터리 관리

 • 처음 트런들러를 구매한 후 첫 라운드에 앞서서 밧데리를 충전하라.

• 밧데리가 너무 젖지 않도록 하라(즉, 밧데리가 물에 담그지 않도록 하고, 밧데리가 밧데리 트레이에 있는 동안에는 

깊은 웅덩이를 피하며 또한 꽃혀 있는 상태에서 트런들러를 청소하지 마라.


 • 밧데리를 떨어뜨리면 내부 셀이 손상될 수 있다.

 • 밧데리를 줄(Cable)로 들어 올리거나 운반하지 마라.

 • 각종 오물의 청소는 젖은 천으로 닦아낸다.


어떤 이유로든 리튬 밧데리를 겨울 동안 3개월과 같이 장시간 사용하지 않을 경우에는

절반으로 충전된 배터리를 보관하는 것이 좋다.



이를 위해서는 평소처럼 골프 라운드에 밧데리를 사용하고 라운드가 끝나면 1.5시간동안 충전하면 된다. 그리고 밧데리를 다시 사용하기 전에 충전(보충)하여 사용하라.


당사는 장기간 미사용이 항상 사전에 계획되어 있지는 않다는 점은 인지하고 있지만, 일정 기간 동안 밧데리를 사용하지 않을 가능성이 높은 경우에는 리튬 밧데리의 수명을 연장하기 위해 다음 단계를 따르는 것이 좋다. 


"충전 후에는 충전기를 배터리에서 항상 분리해 있는 것이다".


보증 커버

제조업체 보증서에는 구입한 브랜드에 대해서는 지정된 기간 동안 불량 부품 및 제조기술이 포함된다. 단, 본 보증서에는 트런들러 또는 밧데리의 오용, 남용, 마모 또는 부주의로 인한 보장은 적용되지 않는다.



Your trundler is designed for the transportation of golf bags and clubs.

1. Do not attempt to transport any other equipment

2. Do not use the trundler to assist you when going up hills

3. Submerging the trundler in water (eg. a lake) is likely to cause serious damage to the trundler


4. Do not leave your trundler un attended with the battery plugged

in - apart from when on the golf course.

5. Do not connect another battery to trundler without first checking for correct battery polarity.

6. All batteries must be disconnected from the trundler before transporting


7. Lead acid batteries must be removed from the battery tray before transporting your trundler

8. Always use the carry strap when moving and transporting lead acid batteries




Although your trundler has been weatherproofed (they are not waterproof), please follow these simple guidelines to help protect your trundler:

• Do not store your trundler outside

• Try to minimise exposure to rain as much as possible with an

umbrella during heavy rainfall

• Wipe excess water from the trundler prior to storage


• If playing in heavy rain, consider keeping a plastic bag and

rubber band in your golf bag to wrap around the top handle

• Bi-monthly spray a bit CRC or WD40 into the clutch/

bearings of each rear wheel.

• Never use a pressure washer or garden hose to clean your trundler.

To prevent water damage, wipe it down with a damp cloth

• Avoid using high pressure air hoses near moving components


Your trundler is designed to require very little maintenance;

we do however recommend giving your trundler regular checks to ensure:

• There is no buildup of excess mud and dirt

• The front wheel nut is on tightly and quick release lever is clamped down

• The front wheel is not clogged up and turns freely


• The battery bag and strap are intact and not damaged

(lead acid batteries only)

• We recommend getting an annual service done on your trundler in order for it to remain reliable. 



• When you first purchase your trundler put the battery on charge immediately prior to your first round.

• Try to avoid getting the battery too wet (i.e. do not submerse the battery, try to avoid deep puddles and do not clean your trundler whilst battery is still in the battery tray)


• Dropping the battery may cause damage to the internal cells

• Do not lift or carry the battery by the cable

• Use a damp cloth to clean off any dirt


If for any reason your lithium battery is not going to be used for lengthy periods, e.g. 3 months over the winter, it is advised to store the battery half charged. 



To do this simply use the battery for a round of golf as usual and charge it for 1.5 hours at the end of the round. Before the battery is used again, recharge it (top it up) prior to use. 


We recognise that extended absences are not always planned in advance, however when it is likely that you will not be using your battery for a period of time it is good practice to follow these steps to extend the life of your lithium battery. 


Please ensure that the charger is ALWAYS disconnected from the battery after charging.



Please note the manufacturers warranty covers faulty parts and workmanship for the period as specified by the brand you have purchased. However this warranty does NOT cover you for misuse, abuse, wear and tear, or neglect of your trundler or battery.