2020년 1월 3일 지난 연말 X- 마스때 부터 우리 동네 오레와 비치에서 해안선 200미터 까지 접근 목격되었던 2미터 어린 상어 어제 그물에 걸려 잡혀
2020년 1월 3일 지난 연말 X- 마스때 부터 우리 동네 오레와 비치에서 해안선 200미터 까지 접근 목격되었던 2미터 어린 상어 어제 그물에 걸려 잡혀.
Beachgoers attempt to rescue stranded great white shark at Orewa Beach, Auckland
A great white shark stranded at a beach in north Auckland has been returned to the ocean by lifeguards and concerned beachgoers – but it was not enough to save the fish.
Almost 100 people crowded around the shark, which appeared to measure over 2 metres in length, after it became stuck in the shallow water at Orewa Beach, on Auckland's Hibiscus Coast.
The same beach was shut on Christmas Day after reports of a 2 metre-long shark 500 metres off shore, and again two days later after the police helicopter spotted a 2-3 metre-long beast lurking around 200-300 metres out, with another further out.
Video captured by a concerned onlooker shortly after 4pm on Thursday showed a lifeguard and one other man grab the shark by its tail and pull it into deeper water.
A gill net is a single wall of netting anchored on the seabed to catch fish that swim into it.
“동네 해안선 얕은 비치로 올라와 그물에 걸려 나온 상어는 환경부 요원들에 의거 바다로 다시 되돌려 보낼려고 했지만
그만 숨졌다고 한다. 그리고 크리스 마스 이후 지난 10여일 동안 상어 출현으로 2번에 걸쳐 본 비치는 잠시 폐쇄된 바 있다”.
"Great whites are a protected species, this one was caught by accident but you are required to release them immediately if you catch one," Duffy said.
"All fisherman are required to report a great white catch to the Department of Conservation, even if they are successfully returned to the water."
Rangers were currently recovering the carcass, he said.
Duffy said several great white sharks live in the Hauraki Gulf, most are juveniles feeding on fish like snapper, kahawai and sting rays.